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Project Log:  Monday, December 8, 2014

With a little time at my disposal, I applied a couple more coats of tung oil to the new trim in the forward cabin, and, later, removed the masking tape when I had enough finish on the new trim.  The wood would, with time, darken more to match the surrounding wood.


Next, I turned to the louvered doors for the large storage locker opposite the head.  With a heat gun, I stripped the old finish from the visible side; the opposite side was in better condition to begin with, and since it was the back side I decided not to strip the finish.    Once I'd stripped the finish, I sanded all sides and surfaces clean and smooth, and cleaned out all the gaps between the louvers--many of which still had Hudson River silt in them--with solvent and a brush.  The solvent-dampened doors gave some insight into how the wood would look when refinished.


From the remaining cherry stock I had on hand--one wider board and a few narrower strips--I prepared a series of 1/4" x 1-1/2" strips that I'd use for the overhead trim in the main cabin, passageway, and forward cabin.  Before milling into strips, I sanded smooth both faces of the boards as needed, then ripped the strips to width before resawing into the thickness needed. 

New cherry stock to help make various other interior trim bits was on order and due at the shop later in the week


Total Time Today:  2 hours

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