Project Log: Sunday, March 9, 2014
Before I let it go too long, it was time to get back to
the bulwarks varnish, so I started the day sanding,
vacuuming, and solvent-washing the rubrails and
Note to self: when, as happens from time to time,
the sanding block gets hung up and twisted from the
hand, resist the instinctual urge to arrest its fall by
grabbing it against the hull (sandpaper side in) on its
way down. |
Looking for a simple project to fill a little remaining
time in the morning, I decided to install the new
stanchion tops that I'd purchased to replace the broken
plastic ones. With a cutoff wheel in a grinder, I
removed the plastic tops down to the level of the metal
stanchion tubes, leaving the remaining plug in place.
This was an interesting process, as the plastic melted
far more than I'd expected, or even anticipated, spewing
very hot molten bits around until I learned how better
to manage the cutting process. The cutting also
created web-like strands of plastic. I'd expected
cleaner, easier cuts, but the plastic was softer than
expected. In any event, once I learned how it
reacted, it was easy to complete all eight stanchions. |
With all the old tops removed and flush, I installed the
new stainless tops, which were secured with setscrews
over the tops of the stanchions. |
In the afternoon, I applied varnish to the bulwarks and
rubrails. |

Total Time Today: 4.5 hours
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