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Project Log:  Thursday, August 26, 2010

I didn't have time to work on the boat the day she arrived--plus it rained during the afternoon shortly after her arrival--but managed some time during the next day.  The series of photos below documents the condition of the boat upon her arrival.

The first order of business was to remove everything that was easily removable.  This meant that to start, I cleared out various old cushions and foam, overhead panels, which had been removed sometime before my ownership and were now stored in the boat for the transport. 

I also removed various cabin sole panels, loose drawers, and all the other loose gear that was currently in the boat.  I collected the debris and categorized it into appropriate piles, depending on whether it was trash or something I wanted to save for either future re-use or patterning/reference.

Later on, during a separate work session, I started removing various hoses strung through the bilge, and also removed the marine toilet--taking its entire platform with it--and associated hoses, including the holding tank, which was located beneath the dinette in the saloon.  The holding tank was fortunately nearly empty, but removing an old tank tends to always be somewhat gag-inducing.  I threw away the head and holding tank.


Finally, I began removing most of the old electronics and other equipment that was still in the pilothouse, including the ruined radar scope, clock, instruments, autopilot, stereo, speakers, and depthsounder, along with most of the wiring immediately accessible from inside the cabin.  My immediate goal was to continue stripping the boat until I reached a point where I could go in and powerwash the remaining mud and silt, but it'd take a couple more work sessions till I reached that point.

Total Time Today:  2.25 hours

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V1.0 went live on 8/26/10