Project Log: Sunday, August 21, 2011
Now that the components of the internal cabinets behind
the dinette were complete, I could move forward with the
final installation of the backrest and shelf above,
which in turn would allow me to continue the additional
construction above.
Early in the day, I coated the underside of the shelf
piece with a sealer coat of varnish; for the moment, I
left the top side uncoated, which I could do later on.
Sometime later, the seal coat had dried sufficiently to
continue work, so up in the boat I applied glue to the
various cleats that would support the backrest and
secured it in place with screws through holes and
counterbores I'd previously bored while the piece was on
the bench for another operation.
After dry-fitting the top shelf, I made some reference
marks to show where the support cleats lay, then laid
out and drilled a series of screw holes and counterbores
along these lines.
Against the hull, I installed a bead of epoxy adhesive,
then applied regular glue to the support cleats before
placing the shelf in position and securing it with
screws through the new holes. I applied a coat of
sealer varnish to the top shelf once it was in position. |
Finally, I prepared a few dozen cherry bungs, and
installed them in all the screw holes. |

Total Time Today: 2 hours
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