Project Log: Monday, January 31, 2011
To continue the installation of the new engine room
tankage bulkheads, I removed the temporary screws and
clamps and prepared the area as needed (i.e. solvent
Next, I applied epoxy fillets to the seams between the
bulkheads and hull on both sides, and along the inboard
edges of the forward vertical seams against the main
pilothouse bulkhead. |

While the fillets began to gel, I cut strips of 6"
biaxial tabbing to fit the bulkheads inside and out,
enough for two layers with staggered seams along the
inside and outside edges of the bulkhead-to-hull seams,
and a single layer to reinforce the vertical edge of the
bulkhead where it met the transverse bulkhead.
Then, I spent the remainder of the day installing the
Careful observers will note the small patches over a
couple round holes in the port transverse bulkhead,
which I added mainly to prevent the expanding foam I
planned to use around the new tanks from spilling out of
the space through these holes, and also a small patch
over the end of one of the engine foundation sections on
the port side, where removal of something or another
from the original space had torn the original tabbing. |

To reinforce the starboard transverse bulkhead patch in
the area where the tankage would be installed and
ultimately bearing upon, I added a strip of tabbing to
the seams--probably unnecessary, but it was easy to do
now. |

Total Time Today: 3 hours
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