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Project Log:  Thursday, July 7, 2011

At some point over the past week or so, I cut and installed cherry bungs in the screw holes in the dinette base as needed.  I began the day's work by trimming them flush, and lightly sanding the entire base.

Preparing and installing cleats isn't the most interesting job in the world, but it was the next step required in the dinette's construction.  To help support the plywood platform along the top edges of the dinette base, I milled and installed a series of cleats around the inside perimeter of the base.


With the cleats in place, I continued by working on a simple template for the platform, using 1/4" luaun plywood. I quickly abandoned naive hopes of building the platform in a single piece, as the space was too tight for maneuverability of the large sheet and the bulkheads at either end were just enough out of plumb/square to require something other than a square cut on the plywood.  So after a brief attempt to build a one-piece pattern, I cut the plywood in half and built two patterns; I'd build the final top piece in three sections, eventually--the two ends and the center section. 

My main goal in the template process was to determine the shape of the curved outboard edge of the platform.  The inside edges and overhang would easily work themselves out once I'd cut the platform sections out of the 12mm plywood.

Various iterations of the template took up most of the afternoon.  At the end of the day, I applied a quick coat of varnish to the dinette base, as well as to the small engine room panel that I'd built earlier.


Total Time Today:  4.25 hours

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