Project Log: Sunday, June 26, 2011
With all the support cleats in place, I continued work
on the dinette base. To begin, I prepared a piece
of inexpensive luaun plywood as a template for the two
transverse bulkheads that would define part of the "U"
of the dinette and extend all the way to the hull to
support the platform. Cutting the luaun to the
proper height (16-1/2"), and leaving it overlong, over a
couple test fits I scribed the shape of the hull onto
the outboard end, beginning with the after bulkhead. |
After transferring the pattern to a sheet of 1/2"
Perfecta cherry plywood, I scribed the hull at the
forward bulkhead location onto the same template, recut
it, and, once happy with the fit, cut the second
transverse bulkhead section from cherry plywood. |
Next, I prepared the short longitudinal sections, one at
each end. I butted the plywood together at the 90°
corner, the end grain to be covered with trim sometime
later, and installed hardwood cleats inside the joint,
which I glued and screwed to each section from the
inside. I also glued and screwed the plywood to
the cleats along the base. Before installing the
long pieces, I treated the raw plywood edge (where they
contacted the hull) with epoxy resin to seal the end
grain, and secured the top corner to the hull with a dab
of hot glue to hold it in the proper alignment, plumb
and level. |
With the main pieces secured in place, I applied epoxy
fillets to the seam between bulkheads and hull, then
installed 4" biaxial tabbing to each side. |
Finally, I cut to fit and installed the last section,
the center of the "U". I secured this to new
vertical cleats on each of the transverse bulkheads. |

Total Time Today: 4.5 hours
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