Project Log: Sunday, April 15, 2012
To begin, I took a few minutes to wash and lightly sand
the new fillets around the mid hatches, completing the
work there for now. |
I continued with the trim on the port side of the main
saloon, starting with a few additional pieces of quarter
round trim to wrap up the work in the various corners. |

Next, I cut and fit all the pieces of seat cushion
fiddle around the dinette platform, bunging the screw
holes when complete. There was still trim required
on some of the dinette structure corners, but I'd not
yet milled the pieces for those areas. |
Moving to the starboard side and the galley, I prepared
to install the cabin trunk/indirect lighting trim, just
as on the port side. However, since the galley
stove projected slightly beneath the overhang, I planned
to install some heatproofing and metal shielding
directly over the stove, so I'd omit the trim in this
area. To demark the area, I extended plumb lines
up from the edges of the stove and noted them on the
cabin side; these marks would be the end of the trim on
each side.
Fitting the trim here was more straightforward since I
could cut two shorter pieces rather than one full-length
one. After the usual cutting and fitting, I
eventually finalized the cuts on both ends of the two
piece, and sanded a smooth profile on the ends facing
the stove area where the trim ended. As before, I
installed the trim with epoxy adhesive and short screws,
and bunged the holes. |
The galley fiddle was the last section of pre-milled
trim that I had on hand for the moment. The
installation was straightforward. Where the trim
met the stove in the center, I made an angled cut to let
the trim die down to the level of the stove. |

I didn't leave any openings in the fiddle for countertop
cleaning since they were unnecessary here: on the
sink side, the "scraping block" opening I'd made in the
countertop over the trash can would take care of this,
and on the opposite side of the stove I could brush or
sweep the countertop off the edge if I just opened up
the refrigerator lid.
I ran out of time before I could fit the final piece of
fiddle on the lid of the refrigerator compartment, so
I'd finish that up next time. |

Total Time Today: 5.25 hours
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