Project Log: Friday, February 17, 2012
After a bit of unexpected delay, the final pieces I
needed to effect the through hull installation in the
engine room arrived earlier in the week. There
were two 1-1/2" fittings for the cockpit scuppers, plus
a 3/4" fitting for the engine intake. I'd left the
aft end of the engine room unpainted pending the
completion of the through hulls. Unsure of the
best hose leads, I'd covered the bases by ordering both
straight and angled tailpieces (technically pipe-hose
adapters) to have on hand. As elsewhere, I chose
bronze flange adapters and ball valves, a flexible
system I greatly preferred over all-in-one seacocks. |
With some time available at the end of the day, I
decided to get a start on the installation by shaping
the backing blocks for the flanged fittings. From
3/4" G-10 fiberglass, I cut bases for the three flange
fittings, plus a round backer for a 2" bronze through
hull depth/temperature transducer for my nav
instruments, which I planned also to install now.
I selected a transducer with built-in 20° angle to
approximate the deadrise of the hull, obviating the need
for angled backing plates on both sides; I could install
the through hull straight through the hull for a
cleaner, easier installation.
I'd hoped to be able to prepare the holes in the hull
and install the backing blocks, but didn't have enough
time to complete those tasks properly. |
In other news, earlier in the week I'd removed the
spreader bases from the mast, as I wanted to have new
spreaders and bases made to replace the tubular original
spreaders and cheesy bases. The nut securing the
through bolt holding the lower shroud tanks had galled,
but eventually I got the bolt out when continued
wrenching simply snapped the stainless bolt at the base
of the nut. Otherwise, it was straightforward to
remove the bases, which I packaged up to send to the
fabricator for general reference, along with the
original spreaders.
All the hardware on the mast would have to come off
eventually anyway, so I could prep and paint the spar
later, so with other jobs also heading off to the
fabricator, now was as good a time as any. The
rest of the mast work wouldn't occur till later in the
Also on the rigging front, I ordered new booms for
mainmast and mizzen. I'd discovered long ago,
shortly after the boat arrived here in 2010, that there
were no booms on board, and the previous owner couldn't
locate them in his basements, garages, or other storage
areas. Not wanting this detail to be forgotten, I
worked with my rigger to secure new booms, which as of
this writing were under construction at Selden Spars. |
Total Time Today: 1.5 hours
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