Project Log: Saturday, June 23, 2012
With only a brief time available to work, it seemed a
good day for some easy, small jobs. But each step
forward, however small, was one step I'd not have to
take later.
To begin, I prepared the two fan heaters--the "outlet"
components for the heating system--for installation by
installing bronze pipe-hose connections at their inlets
and outlets, along with bleed valve assemblies on
the outlets to allow for air removal from the system
during filling or if otherwise needed. I selected
90° fittings for both heaters since this made the most
sense given how the hoses would run to them later. |
This complete, I secured both fan heaters into their
respective openings, in the pilothouse and beneath the
dinette, where they'd await final connection to the
heating system hoses. |

I turned to the masts, and stripped some remaining
hardware from the mizzen mast, first step towards
eventual repainting over the summer. Many of the
fittings were riveted in place, so I drilled out the
rivets as needed. After some thought, and after
seeing the (good) condition of the mast beneath the
previous installations, I decided to leave certain
hardware in place, mainly the tangs for various shroud
attachment points, since these seemed in good condition
with no reason to remove them otherwise. For some
reason I didn't take many photos of this process other
than to document existing positions of various hardware
for future reference as needed. |

I'd been planning to paint the spars white, but after
receiving the new, anodized booms (in the typical
silver/aluminum color), I thought maybe I'd go with that
color instead, relieving me of the need to paint the
booms to match. It seemed a shame to have to go
through all the painting prep steps with the clean new
booms, and I didn't mind aluminum-colored spars as long
as they were in good condition. But the faded,
ugly gold anodized appearance of the original two masts
simply had to go regardless.
Total Time Today: 2 hours
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