Project Log: Sunday,
November 12, 2012
I continued work on the ceiling. With the top
strips of full-length material in place all the way down
to the deadlight frames, next I continued with several
shorter sections to fill in around the frames. I
pre-cut all the pieces somewhat overlong, then
temporarily installed them, letting the ends run wild
over the deadlight openings. |
After marking the edges of the frames on the ceiling
strips, I removed them and cut to the proper length
before reinstalling them permanently. I needed a
full-width strip across the bottom, with notches cut as
required for the deadlight opening, to complete this
section. I didn't install any screws around the
deadlight frames, as they'd be in the way of the trim
I'd install later; and anyway, the trim would be screwed
in place and would secure these ends on its own. |
Next, I continued with full-length strips, working on
both sides of the boat and choosing planks randomly.
By the time I ran out of pre-milled material in the
afternoon, I'd reached the bottom of the aft end on each
side, letting the planks die out naturally. I cut
the angle wrong at the aft end of the last full-length
plank on the port side, but left it alone since the
small trim I planned at the ends would cover this. |

Small gaps formed at the bottom by the truncated plank
ends as they died out just past one of the support
strips would never be seen once the cushions were in
place, so I didn't attempt to taper the planks out to
sharp points to fill in these areas, preferring to leave
a square edge that was less susceptible to damage.
I'd need to mill a few more strips in order to finish up
the forward sections, though each plank required would
be much shorter than the one before thanks to the angle.
Considering that I'd actually mistakenly milled roughly
half of what I had meant to, thanks to a inept
miscalculation on my part, I was pleased with how far
I'd gotten, and glad I'd not milled double the amount
after all. Still, I would have liked to have
finished the job, but since I never expected to have
enough material to do so at this time, I was happy with
the progress.
To get a sense of how much material I needed to finish
the ceiling, I lined out the remaining sections and made
rough measurements of each plank, noting the lengths so
I could mill as few pieces as required.
Total Time Today: 4.5 hours
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