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Project Log:  Tuesday, January 1, 2013

In a short afternoon work session, I cut and fitted the two remaining sections of the pilothouse overhead, this time on the starboard side.  The process was the same as that of the port side installation earlier.



For now, I left the overhead pieces in place to sort of absorb their curved shape, and because there was no need to have them in the way elsewhere just yet.  Soon, I'd remove them and go through the painting process of these pieces, as well as the two sections in the forward cabin.  I was looking forward to being done with the overhead.

I'd hoped to get a bit more done during the Christmas/New-Years break, but fighting off a nasty, lingering cold slowed me down a bit and, frankly, I just enjoyed doing some things other than working on the boat for a change.

Total Time Today:  2 hours

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V1.0 went live on 8/26/10