Project Log: Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Using small bits of time spread out over a few days, I
got to work preparing the cockpit for paint--a long
overdue task that had, over the past years, become a
rather comical--if self-frustrating--situation. I
decided to take care of the cockpit first, out of all
the items on the required list before the boat could be
moved and launched under her new ownership, because it
was the most time-dependent task remaining, and simply
needed to get done--and now.
To protect the rest of the boat against overspray, I
began by covering the decks and pilothouse with plastic
sheeting, as well as draping more sheeting around the
stern and over the hull over a safe area, as well as the
beginnings of the cockpit masking itself. During
earlier painting efforts, I'd overlapped the finish
paint onto the coamings and around the aft corner of the
pilothouse, and now I needed to blend these areas in
with the new paint. I started this process with
masking well outside the existing paint line, and then
some sanding at the seam to blend it with the cockpit
substrate within. I'd use more foam masking tape
to help blend the new paint seamlessly with the old, but
that step would come just a little later.
There was plenty more masking and related prep to
complete, which I'd continue working at over the next
several days as time allowed. |
Total Time Today: 2.75 Hours |
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