Project Log: Sunday, January 25, 2015
I continued work on the lazarette hatch, anxious to get
the structural work completed. I was pleased with
how the forward corners I molded worked out, with
smooth, fair rounded corners and, even at this early
stage, strong and stiff enough to support themselves and
the next lamination steps.
Next, I trimmed the ragged edge with a sander, bringing
the top edge flush with the adjacent edging material.
At the same time, I sanded a bevel on the new balsa
core, which would allow the fiberglass inner skin to lay
over it cleanly. The fiberglass I'd begun at the
corners was inset from the outside perimeter of the
hatch, leaving me room--and small flanges on the
adjacent material--to install additional laminations. |

To finish up the core installation and basic structure,
I prepared a layer of 1708 material to fit over the core
and within the footprint of the hatch's interior, then
laminated it with epoxy resin. At the same time, I
added layers of 1708 material to the rounded corners,
one on the inside to tie things together there, and a
couple on the outside, which I kept inside the stepped
recessed area. The ends of these short exterior
strips wanted to peel away, so I used small clamps to
hold the material in place as needed. I let the
strips run wild top and bottom for later trimming. |

Total Time Today: 1.25 Hours |
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