Project Log: Tuesday, June 16, 2015
The rigging contractor was here early in the morning to
get to work installing the owner's new Schaefer roller
furler and headstay, along with new halyards and
assorted tasks.
The new furler incorporated an extended link plate at
the bottom to raise the furling drum out of the way, and
this would affect the final luff length available for
the genoa. Once the furler was completed, I could
measure the maximum length pin to pin so the owner could
get the sail modified if necessary. For this
measurement, I held the upper swivel down a couple
inches from the top to allow room for stretch in the
sail or halyard, and to avoid the swivel from ever
running up against the top of the extrusion. The
luff measurement was 26'-5".

Mike also assembled the rigid boom vang that had come
with the new booms, and installed new halyards and a
mizzen boom topping lift, for which we removed one of
the two built-in reefing lines in the mizzen boom
(unnecessary since the tiny mizzen had no reef points
anyway) and led in the topping lift control through the
blocks and jam cleats for convenient use. |
The new rigging and headstay was the last major task to
expunge from the list of critical pre-launch items.
With launching only a few days hence, it was nice to
finally see these tasks completed.
Total Time Today: NA |
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