Project Log: Sunday, March 1, 2015
At some point over the past weeks, I wrapped up the
sanding work on my two new small fiberglass parts--the
lazarette hatch cover and the steering cylinder
box--and, with paint work happening on another project
in the shop, I took advantage and sprayed coats of
high-build primer on the new pieces and, when cured,
sanded the new primer smooth, wrapping up their
construction and prep work.
There remained a couple minor odds and ends to wrap up
in the boat--specifically the manual and automatic bilge
pumps' final installation--but really the only
significant job remaining was the cockpit, which still
required paint. I looked forward to having this
done, but I needed to wait till I had some staging
available in order to complete it. That would
happen in the next weeks, and in the time before then I
planned to do the required preparation and masking so I
could bang out the paint in as short a time as possible. |
Total Time Today: 1 Hour |
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