Project Log: Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Yesterday's new fiberglass and round of fairing filler
had cured overnight, so I continued the process by
sanding the now-hardened results. I sanded all the
fastener locations (now on their second fill), the new
fiberglass patches on deck, and the first round of
filler on the through hulls.
The solidly-filled holes in way of the forward mooring
bit had cured overnight, and now I used a grinder
equipped with an angle flap disc to grind out an area
encompassing all four holes and beyond. |

After the usual round of vacuuming and solvent-washing,
I applied a third coat of fairing filler to the fastener
holes and other areas on deck, this time using a
two-part fine fairing compound (gray in color).
The finer material would work to take care of the minor
depressions and pinholes left by the first two rounds of
shop-made microballoons-based filler. |

The newly-glassed holes on deck (those ventilator and
deck fill holes) were a couple steps behind the other
areas, so I applied the usual first round of fairing
filler to those areas (red color). |
The first round of filler on the through hull patches
had turned out well. For the second application, I
used a 12" knife to pull the material across the
patches, ensuring as fair an application with the
adjacent hull as possible. |

On the foredeck, I installed two rounded rectangular
layers of biaxial cloth over the mooring bit holes,
filling the area I ground out earlier. |

Total Time Today: 5 hours
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