Project Log: Wednesday, December 22, 2010
The gray Alexseal fine filler that I'd applied to
portions of the deck was not yet cured enough to sand.
Though I'd anticipated this, knowing that in the cooler
temperatures of the shop this filler tended to require a
solid 24 hour cure, I'd still been holding out hope, but
instead I moved on to other things I could do.
To begin, I washed and sanded the first round of fairing
filler I'd applied to the new deck patches, and the new
fiberglass patch over the mooring bit holes on the
foredeck. At the same time, I sanded the filler
over the various through hulls.
Afterwards, I applied more fairing filler to the deck
patches as necessary, and to the mooring bit patch.
Interestingly, it's easy to see the footprint of the old
anchor windlass in the deck, as defined by a slight
depression that fairing with a wide knife made visible. |

All this work, in part, was leading up to a final couple
rounds of surface sanding in all areas. Since the
deck was not yet ready, I moved on to the hull.
With a vibrating palm sander, I sanded the entire hull
twice more, with 80 and then 120 grit paper. It
doesn't really look any different in the photos (well,
it does if one looks carefully), but I promise that I
really did sand it twice more. These were quick
sands designed to even out any sanding marks left behind
by the more aggressive random-orbit/rotary finishing
sander I used to sand the paint earlier. |

These would be the final rounds of sanding required for
the hull (and later the deck) to prepare these surfaces
for high-build epoxy primer (which I'd apply somewhat
later in the process), other than spot sanding here and there once
I had a chance to apply fine filler to the through hull
openings and a few minor dings in the topsides.
Total Time Today: 4.25 hours
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