Project Log: Sunday, August 26, 2012
I spent the morning laying out for the v-berth ceiling
support (hull liner). Starting from the after
bulkhead, various measurements eventually led me to a
12" spacing between the cleats, which resulted in a
nearly symmetrical layout forward and aft on each side,
with the forward two cleats slightly closer together.
Complicating the layout was the need to accommodate the
two pair of deadlights in the hull. My plan was to
leave a flat area around each port to allow the proper
installation of the deadlight frames, and also to
provide a clear definition between the ports' areas and
the surrounding wooden ceiling. I chose to use the
future ceiling strips themselves as the baseline for the
four edges of the openings: that is, the top and
lower edges would be parallel to the strips (which in
turn would follow the line of the deck above, rather
than level or horizontal). The forward and after edges
of the openings would stay in line with the position of
the other support cleats.
This all led to a vaguely rhombus-shaped opening around
each of the four deadlights. |

While I was in layout mode, I measured and marked for
support cleats for the overhead in this space, the area
beneath the sidedecks and foredeck. Here, I chose
standard 16" on-center spacing to match what I'd done
with the overhead elsewhere in the cabin, starting at
the aft end and working forwad. |
After measuring and cutting to length all the 1/2" x 1"
plywood cleats needed for the job, and thoroughly
cleaning the raw fiberglass of the hull, I glued the
ceiling support strips in place with epoxy adhesive,
using small dabs of hot glue to hold the strips into the
slight curvature of the hull. Fortunately, the
bending was minimal, and the hot glue did the job,
though I had one strip pop away while I was still
working, fortunately, so I was able to clean up the area
and reinstall a strip in that area. I installed
only the vertical strips for now; I'd do the areas
around the ports later. |

I left the overhead for another day.
Total Time Today: 4.25 hours
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