Project Log: Saturday, April 19, 2014
Before I forget (I've already forgotten to mention
it about 6 times):
a thank you to the nice person in BC who, out of
nowhere, sent me a sample of crimp-on wiring pin
connectors, used in those cases where a certain
installation requires a wire to be inserted behind a
screw before tightening the screw.
During my autopilot installation a while back, I
commented in these logs on how I disliked this sort of
wiring termination, which simply crushes the wire
beneath the screw-driven terminal. I did not know
about pin connectors, but thanks to this nice reader who
sent me a small sampling of connectors--and opened my
eyes to their existence (but who didn't give me an email
or other address so I could properly thank him), I have
since located a source for pin connectors and will add
them to my repertoire for future installations.
There is always room to learn something new and unknown.
For some time--essentially ever since I finished the
painting--I'd really wanted to move the boat back over
to "my" side of the shop, the second bay where I'd done
most of the work on the boat before moving her to my
clean(er), uncluttered bay back in June of 2013, when I
optimistically and obviously unrealistically thought I
might be starting the paintwork shortly thereafter.
(I didn't start till mid-September.)
As it happened, constant cold and ice during the winter,
which held on well into meteorlogical spring, and then
the inevitable shift to soft soil and mud thereafter,
prevented me from attempting the boat move sooner than
now, much as I continually hoped to try. I went
back and forth as to whether I should even bother, or
just wait at this point till the boat went in the water
sometime during the season.
In the meantime, I'd been doing my work-work in the
other bay, which I considered less than ideal because of
the extra clutter and so forth in that bay. I'd
made it work out of necessity, but with a new work
project getting underway I wanted to get the shop back
to the way it was supposed to be, so I decided to shift
things around.
It was a nice spring day for late March...except it was
late April. I made initial preparations, moving
the small boat (on its own trailer) out of bay 2
and cleaning things up to prepare. The move was
uneventful, other than having trouble getting the
trailer wheels up over a lip on the way into the new
shop. It was fun to see the boat out in natural
light with the new paint and looking finished.

After getting the boat resettled in her new (old) home--leveled,
power lines restrung--it seemed as good a time as any to come up with a solid,
complete work list to help me reprioritize once more as
things moved towards the final stretch. I'd been
working off various mental and other lists, constantly
shifting the order and importance of various tasks, but
I was getting down to the nitty-gritty and it was time
to balance the remaining work against expectations for
the season ahead, and I needed something concrete to
work from during those times when I wasn't sure which
direction to turn next.
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