Project Log: Sunday, April 20, 2014
I took care of a couple literal loose ends, and made the
final connections for the electric bilge pump. Red
and brown wires don't match up on the terminal block
because I didn't think much about the final wire colors
when I'd pre-wired the switch in the console a couple
years earlier, using a sheathed three-conductor cable,
and it was more trouble than it was worth to try and
switch the wire colors at either end of the circuit,
since it just didn't matter. I installed a fuse in
the main power line in (62), which led from the
always-hot side of the battery switch; with a jumper on
the terminal block, this also gave me a couple
additional "always hot" terminals should I need them for
anything else.
In the lazarette, I made up the final connections for
the stern light and secured the wiring. |
On the head door, I installed a hook latch at the top to
hold the door securely should sea conditions ever prove
too much for the regular roller catches. |
Towards the end of the day, I removed the refrigerator
from its storage space so I could take care of some
final details there. I couldn't remember whether
or not I'd completed the wiring to the fridge's outlet
(I had), and also wanted to install a small fan inside
the space adjacent to the refrigerator to aid in
ventilation if needed. I had the fan on hand (a
computer fan), but needed a switch before I could
install it. Other chores in this area that I
planned to deal with included restraining the fridge
against movement, and installing latches on the door to
the space. By the time I'd worked through these
thoughts, I'd run out of time for the day. |
Total Time Today: 3 hours
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