Project Log: Friday, January 10, 2014
The remaining masking tape covering the caprails came
off mostly in tiny bits, making the job a long and
occasionally blindingly frustrating process. Like
all unpleasantries, eventually it was over.

Next on the agenda was to install the new name and port
on both sides of the transom. I'd ordered and
picked up the new lettering from a local vinyl shop
earlier in the week.
Referring to the paper mockups I'd made long ago for
sizing and positioning info, I made some basic
measurements and layout, and played around with the
result till I was happy with the reality of it versus
the concept.
I found that the hailport was not centered beneath the
name as cut from the shop, and though I tried to ignore
the slight half-inch misalignment (as seen in the
lefthand photo below), eventually I found a need to cut
off the port section of the sheet and reposition it
properly centered below the name. |
With the position on the port side determined, I
transferred key measurements to the other side and
repeated the process. |
With reference marks in place, I installed the vinyl
lettering permanently. The name is 4" high, and
the port 2-1/2" high; the font is called "Newtext", and
both name and hailport are gold leaf with narrow white

The finishing touch to the paint work, and to this
lengthy but satisfying phase of the project, was to
paint the bottom and cover up the last of the ugly. |

Total Time Today: 6.5 hours
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