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Project Log:  Friday, January 17, 2014

After bringing three sets of sawhorses into the shop, I divided the bulwark boards among them and solvent-washed to clean and remove sanding dust.  Afterwards, I applied a well-thinned sealer coat of varnish to all sides, including the plank ends and half-laps.


I planned to build up a number of coats on the back sides, edges, and ends of the planks before installation, to ensure these areas had good coverage that would help the exposed areas weather the elements better in the long run.  I'd do most of the buildup on the exposed sides later, once the planks were installed and the screw holes bunged, but planned several coats on these sides before installation as well.

Later, I pulled all the ports/windows  (I'll probably alternate between names throughout these writings) out of storage so I could begin going through them to prepare for installation.  For the immediate future, I planned to focus first on the tasks that I felt were absolutely required in order to launch the boat, then work my way into other areas of the list.


Total Time Today:  2 hours

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