Project Log: Saturday, May 28, 2011
With a new supply of sheet goods on hand, I could
finally build the new pilothouse sole substrate. I
built the new sole in three sections, all of which would
remain removable for engine room access. Because
the sections were rectangular with square corners
(except for the starboard section, which required an
angle cut on the outboard side thanks to an irritating
layout issue that I described in an
earlier report),
construction was straightforward. I built the sole
from 18mm marine Meranti plywood. It was nice to
once again have a full cabin sole in the pilothouse,
something I'd been without since September of last year. |
There were many directions I could go, but I decided to
get back to work on the fuel tank filler recess pockets
I'd started some time ago. The molds were
complete, and after one additional coat of wax for good
measure, I pressed on with the lamination.
For each part, I cut three pieces of 10 oz. fiberglass
cloth, which I chose in this instance since I knew it
would conform better to the shape of the molds than
heavier, denser material. On each mold, I
installed the three pieces of cloth, and added an
additional strip of cloth on the flat areas that would
become the mounting flanges. This was enough
material for the moment: I wanted to define the
shape and let the material cure before returning later
to add additional reinforcement.
I let the material run wild off the edges of the
plywood, and only worried about wetting out and securing
the areas that would be part of the finished piece.
Eventually, I'd trim all but about 1-1/2" of the flange
around the edges. |

Total Time Today: 2.75 hours
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